As part of our journey of creating a culture of vocations, one has to stop and ask the critical question, “How am I contributing to creating a culture of vocations in our Archdiocese, in our parish and in our family?”.
There is the famous hymn with the refrain, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I wonder if the same principle can be applied to creating a culture of vocations in our Archdiocese.
It may be appropriate for the readers of this monthly column to pray to the Lord, “Lord, let there be a culture of vocations in this Archdiocese and let it begin with me.”
What therefore is this culture that everyone can contribute to building? A culture of vocations is simply a socially enabling atmosphere in our schools, families and parishes characterised by an openness to asking one of life’s basic questions, namely, “What does God want me to do with my life?”.
If every adolescent and young adult asks this question, Trinidad and Tobago and the Catholic Church would be transformed for the better.
A vocation is a call that comes from God. Every call however, must be met with a response. Vocation is a fruit of divine call and human response. The response begins with pondering the aforementioned question that every Catholic should ask at some point in their life.
Our homes, schools, parishes and youth groups are places where an atmosphere could/should be created in order that the divine call is heard and, a response is given in true freedom.
Every Catholic is responsible for helping foster an atmosphere where young people are free to ask, “What does God want me to do with my life?”.
Every Catholic should be encouraged, motivated and supported in asking this question which ought to be seen as basic to our Christian existence. We ought to create spaces where this question can be first asked and then, freely pondered and treasured. All of this is part of creating a culture of vocations.
This can begin with the readers of this column. You can simply do one thing via WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram right after reading this column.
Encourage everyone with whom you are in contact on social media to seriously and prayerfully ask, “What does God want me to do with my life?”. Can we get this question to go viral? So many valueless things go viral.
This is a question that you can post and, this would be your contribution to creating a culture of vocations. Or, you can cut out this column and give to a Catholic teacher to prepare a lesson plan. You can put a bumper sticker on your car with this question.
There are creative ways we can get our Catholic faithful asking this question.—Fr Matthew d’Hereaux, Episcopal Vicar for Vocations and Formation