From early morning on Pentecost Sunday, June 9, buses and cars rolled out of the parishes, north, south and west heading central to Progress Park answering the call of Bishop Clyde Harvey to hold a grand diocesan rally for Pentecost, which he christened a Festival of Faith.
The day was divided into three parts: Holy Mass which included a video presentation on the Church in Grenada, youth drama, and a call to Vocation by Sr Maureen Alexander SJC, Grenada-born Provincial of the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny.
The offertory procession during the liturgy included the banners of the parishes, and gifts like a large, black-tailed tuna, a large dish of lambie and numerous hampers of local fruits and vegetables.
After lunch, Grenadian faithful took to the stage to show their talents in dance, music and spoken word. A maypole dance was one of the highlights of the afternoon.
When asked what resonated with them most, those in attendance gave a range of responses. Some were particularly happy to see the video presentation which put the Church in Grenada in both historical and present context. Many felt they would remember for a long time the rousing homily by Fr Dan Duru which focused on the ‘Upper Room Experience’.
He said that the Church gathered as a community to become empowered through the gift of the Holy Spirit. He asked the provoking question: “What becomes of us after receiving the Holy Spirit?”
Many applauded the cultural presentations where the youth were well represented; the rich and diverse presentations showed the great talents yet to be fully exploited, talents which dwell in the Church.
One common response that was shared by most people was the rather moving gesture by Bishop Harvey when he noted that he had never seen so many men at a Church function since becoming bishop.
At the end of the Prayers of the Faithful he invited all the men to step forward. The bishop implored the blessings of God on them.
There was also great delight in witnessing “quintessential Harvey” when he put song and dance into everything quite adroitly.
Many of those in attendance expressed that notwithstanding difficulties, they have great hope for the future of the Church in Grenada, having felt a renewal of energy in this fine mosaic of celebrations.
Some expressed that they certainly would heed Fr Dan’s words—we have to apply the gift of the Holy Spirit at home, church, work and beyond.
Bishop Harvey, in closing the day, said quite simply using the themes he has given the diocese for the next three years, “We now start to live Church, build community, serve country.”—Pamela Duncan