Put on God’s armour daily
June 28, 2019
St Gabriel’s Girls’ celebrates
June 28, 2019

The Body of Christ connects us like the roots of a tree

Corpus Christi—the Body of Christ, is like a rhizomatic tree whose roots are intertwined and produces shoots out of which new trees grow. It withstands unfavourable conditions and always rejuvenates.

“The tree is really in the root and not what you see above the ground… these trees are interconnected in the root and the root spreads everywhere. That is who we are as the Body of Christ,” Archbishop Jason Gordon said June 20, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

Preaching the homily at the Queen’s Park Savannah for the 235th anniversary of the observance, he said Jesus was the seed in the ground from which a whole root structure emerged, and though the trees appear individual and separate, they are connected by the root which is Jesus Christ.

Archbishop Gordon said, “That seed was planted in the ground and died so that we may have life eternal, and from this single seed dying on the cross for you and me we have become a mighty body spread throughout the world.”

St Paul taught “just as the body has many parts so too, we are all part of the one Body”. Archbishop Gordon said there are parts of the Body that are vulnerable and in “deep need” and facing discrimination.

“We have to come to the aid of the parts of the body most in need,” he appealed. The conditions may be trying with winds, storms and fires threatening but what is seen above the ground is different from what was happening below the surface.

No matter what disaster comes, he assured “the Body of Christ will spring up again because Christ will always prevail”.

The liturgy had participation by pupils of St Theresa’s RC choir and St Theresa’s parish senior choir, students of Corpus Christi Carmelites School gave the readings and Prayers of the Faithful by students of St Joseph’s Convent and St Mary’s College. A few of the prayers were offered up in Spanish for migrants to T&T and for hospitality. Officials of the state and Opposition attended the Mass.

The first Benediction took place at the QPS, then the procession of clergy, religious, schools, parish groups moved down Charlotte Street.

Archbishop Gordon and the monstrance were transported on a flatbed van as the rosary was recited and hymns sung.

The procession ended with the final Benediction led by Vicar General Fr Martin Sirju at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Archbishop Gordon delivered a short message thanking the persons involved for the day’s success and dismissing the congregation. –LPG