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Fmr Fatima student, parishioner ordained in US

Fr David Darryl Wong with his mother, Doris and brother, Dr Derek Wong following his ordination. Photo courtesy Dawn Jenkins-Wong

Trinidadian Deacon David Darryl Wong was ordained a Diocesan priest by Bishop Peter Libasci of Manchester together with Deacon Adrian Frackowiak at the Cathedral of St Joseph, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA on Saturday, June 1.

Bishop Libasci congratulated and welcomed Frs Wong and Frackowiak to the priesthood and said, “This is a joyous moment for the Catholic Church in New Hampshire. These fine young men are witnesses to the prayerful devotion and commitment required of one aspiring to the priesthood. I am grateful to those who have fostered the vocations of Revs Wong and Frackowiak throughout their lives, and for the blessing of their priestly vocations.”

Fr Wong, a past student of Fatima College and a former parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Curepe is the son of Doris and the late Everard Wong.

He received his theological training at St John’s Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts where he obtained his Masters in Divinity (MDiv) and the Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (STB).

Prior to entering the seminary in September 2013, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Engineering and Computer Science. He later obtained the Degree of Juris Doctor from the Suffolk University Law School, Boston MA.

On Sunday, June 2, Fr Wong celebrated his first Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Rochester, NH. In attendance were his close relatives who travelled to the United States for his ordination, his Spiritual Adviser, Fr Joseph Briody from the St John’s Seminary, who delivered the homily, clergy of the Diocese of Manchester/Boston, seminarians, religious sisters, parishioners and friends who have all shared in his years of preparation for the priesthood by their prayerful support, encouragement and friendship.

His mother, Doris was later presented with the manutergium, (hand towel) which was used to soak up the chrism oil after Bishop Libasci anointed the newly ordained’s hands.

May Christ, Our Lord, bless Frs Wong and Frackowiak abundantly as they begin their priestly ministry. – Jenny Limchoy