Called to an intimate relationship JOHN 16: 12–15
Todays’ gospel reading is part of the last discourse of Jesus in the Gospel of John. In chapter 13, the scene is set as Jesus celebrates the Passover (last meal) with His disciples.
John focuses on the washing of feet instead of the actual meal as seen in the other three (Synoptic) gospels. After Judas leaves and goes out into the night Jesus begins a discourse that lasts for the next four chapters.
This is referred to as Jesus’s farewell discourse and is divided into three parts. Part 1 chapter 14; Part 2 chapters 15–16; Part 3 chapter 17.
According to biblical scholar Raymond Brown in the book An Introduction to the New Testament: “Of particular interest (in this section) is the designation of the spirit as the paraclete. Unlike the neuter word (pneuma) for spirit, parakletos, ‘literally the one called alongside’, is a personal designation picturing a spirit called in after Jesus’ departure as ‘advocate’ to defend Christians and ‘consoler’ to comfort them.
Just as Jesus received everything from the Father and, while on earth, is the way to know the Father in heaven, so when Jesus goes to heaven the paraclete who receives everything from Jesus is the way to know Jesus” (353).
Jesus proclaims that the Holy Spirit will lead His followers to the fullness of truth. Jesus also reveals the intimate relationship existing among Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Followers of Jesus are called to have an intimate relationship with Jesus and follow the guidance given by the Holy Spirit.
As we join with other countries of the world, celebrating our fathers on this Trinity Sunday we look at Jesus proclaiming that He is the one who brought us knowledge of the wonders and the love of the Father.
As men and fathers, we must be sure that we mirror what is good, right and pure to our sons, teaching them what it means to be a man after God’s own heart. Our sons will believe that Church and prayer is not only for women and girls if they see us praying and we go to church as family, not if we send them.
Let us commit ourselves to be present to our children and be intimately involved in their lives no matter the present family situation. Life situations may not be ideal but as men of faith we can call upon our advocate to guide us in making the best decisions to ensure that our children grow to love God and their parents.
Peter Timothy is married to Subina Timothy. He is the father of six children: four boys and two girls. He is the Episcopal Delegate for Evangelization, teaches Caribbean Church History at the local seminary and also lectures at the Catholic Bible Institute and the Gethsemane Institute of Spirituality and Prayer.