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The Feast of the Visitation gives a lesson on solidarity and faith

On this special feast day, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Port of Spain, (Trinidad) a statue of the Blessed Virgin has been placed in front of the sanctuary

The following is a daily reflection on today’s Gospel by a local contributor. Get your daily Gospel reflections, readings, homilies and much more by downloading the Camsel Mobile App  via the Google PlayStore on Android or Apple Store on iOs

“They understood what being visited by the Lord meant at that time though they could not quite grasp its full implication”

Today’s feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin, commemorates Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. Both women were having similar experiences. Both were pregnant under unusual circumstance. Both were carrying special children. Both were experiencing God’s blessing and grace.

The Feast of the Visitation recalls the journey made by the Blessed Virgin to see her relative, Elizabeth, who was pregnant with Saint John the Baptist

The visitation is a feast of solidarity and faith. Mary and Elizabeth had no one to turn to but each other. Their unique, similar experiences made them ideal companions for each other. They understood what being visited by the Lord meant at that time though they could not quite grasp its full implication. They knew they could find comfort in each other.

Mary and Elizabeth were having special faith experiences. They were living something their people had only imagined. God spoke to them and invited them to be a part of the work of salvation. That was not a small thing.

Only they knew the joy they were experiencing. Only they could burst out in praise and thanksgiving the way they did. Only they could  sing of God’s blessing to His people as they have.