Originally published on Aleteia, republished with their permission.
It’s easy to forget in today’s world that Valentine’s Day is actually the Feast of St. Valentine, a Roman bishop during the 3rd century. A popular tradition surrounding St. Valentine is that he secretly married Christian couples and was eventually arrested and killed for his actions.
The story is one of the primary reasons why St. Valentine has been associated with lovers over the years. In particular he has been invoked for many centuries as the patron saint of engaged couples and happy marriages.
If you need some extra heavenly help for your relationship, consider praying a novena to St. Valentine, invoking his intercession over a period of nine days.
Pray this prayer with faith and trust in God, allowing him to have control over your love life.
O glorious advocate and protector,
St. Valentine,
look with pity upon our wants,
hear our requests,
attend to our prayers,
relieve by your intercession the miseries
under which we labor,
and obtain for us the divine blessing,
that we may be found worthy to join you
in praising the Almighty for all eternity:
through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ.