St Bernadette’s Preparatory, St Ann’s held their closing Mass December 3 at the School’s Hall which saw 23 students becoming commissioned as altar servers. The students went through ten sessions of intense training under the direction of Rev Tristram Mathura. The celebrant of the much-anticipated Mass was Fr Matthew Ragbir and he was assisted by Rev Mathura.
“On the feast day of St Francis Xavier who was also a priest and missionary, we are called to ponder the importance of Advent to us,” said Fr Ragbir. He went on to ask the attentive students what Advent entails. A student from Senior Infants said, “Advent is made up of four weeks which prepares us for the coming of Jesus.”
“Correct! Advent is a very special time as it celebrates the coming of Jesus 2,000 plus years ago. God works through the Sacrament. He also comes to us through the Gospel and the Eucharist,” responded Fr Ragbir. “In Advent we prepare ourselves to learn how to trust in God more.”
The newly commissioned altar servers were also asked an important question: “Why are you becoming an altar server?”. A brave student among the 23 said they were becoming altar servers so they could love and serve God more. It was truly a heartfelt and joyful occasion for parents, students and staff.
Fr Ragbir urged the congregation of students to prepare a way for God through their service of love and care for each other. “Give a gift to Jesus of yourself.”
Students were also given words of encouragement by the Principal Jasmin Mathura. “Be proud of what you do and do it well because you are doing it for the Lord. Thank you for saying ‘yes’ to this noble Ministry. Find some other way over the vacation to bless someone with your time, talent and treasure over this Christmas period,” urged the Principal. – Tenisha Sylvester