All have a part to play for Peace
January 5, 2019
New prison NGO to give back to society
January 7, 2019

Bring the gift of yourself

Photo courtesy Christopher Williams, Assistant Communications Officer at the diocesan Communication Office, Barbados


In his Christmas message to the faithful, the Archbishop of Port of Spain and Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Bridgetown Jason Gordon called on citizens to pray for those persons who are most vulnerable—the poor, refugees, victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and the drug trade, as well as children and the elderly who are abused.

He also asked that abusers be prayed for so they may repent, ask for forgiveness and surrender themselves to Christ this Christmas. Also, among his supplications were children, men and women who are being deprived of their human dignity and justice,  have been abandoned or left to fend for themselves.

“Let us pray that God gives hope and strength to persons who are unemployed, that they may find decent work and have faith that God will see them through their challenges.

“Let us pray for peace around the world, tolerance and a spirit of mutual respect and reconciliation among all leaders. May the Baby Jesus speak to the hearts of the perpetrators of violence and misdeeds so that they may cease. May He bring hope to all persons who are being persecuted for whatever cause,” the Archbishop said in his Christmas message, dated December 21.

The Archbishop said if like the Magi, you ask, ‘What gifts can we give this Christmas?’ the answer is give ourselves. “Visit shut-ins in the community and in children’s homes; reach out to a family member or friend with whom we have not spoken for many years. Show love, be vulnerable, care. May God’s love illuminate our lives so we can shed light for those in darkness, so they too may share in God’s gift of love, joy and peace.”