Young communicators offer support to Pope
December 7, 2018
Toco-Matelot community celebrates Christ the King
December 7, 2018

Second Sunday of Advent (C)

Make his paths straight LUKE 3:1–6

As we continue to joyfully wait for the divine Messiah, Luke 3:1–6 gives us specific instructions how we ought to successfully prepare for the coming of the Lord. He insists that we must: “make his paths straight”.

To make paths straight for the Lord involves being very humble so as to create a favourable and pleasant environment so that the divine Messiah could freely enter and heal and transform our broken lives.

This second Sunday of Advent, let us properly examine some of the things that hinder us from making a straight path for the Lord. Very often our own personal problems, inadequacies, limitations and sins trap and enslave us and thus, we become crooked and are unable to serve the divine Messiah.

However, the letter to the Hebrews 12:12 mentions that we should try to: “Steady all weary hands and trembling knees and make your crooked paths straight”.

Thus, we cannot be weak in the face of temptation. Like Jesus, we have to be valiant and courageous and constantly fight it. Moreover, we ought to continuously trust in the great mercy of the Lord, since our faith informs us that: “The arm of God is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear” (Is 59:1).

This prophet inspires and encourages us to make a straight path for the Lord. To merely speak about forgiveness and acknowledge our sins is not sufficient. Since we are required to live as a people who are forgiven, transformed and renewed, it is imperative that we make every effort to be spotless and blameless in the sight of God, as noted in 2 Peter 3:14–15, “So my dear friends, while you are waiting, do your best to live blameless and unsullied lives so that our divine Messiah would find you at peace.”

Jesus even calls us to be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect. As we strive to make a straight path for the Lord, let us not be disheartened but rely on the promises echoed through the prophet Isaiah 40:5, “The glory of the Lord will be revealed and all humanity will see it together for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Lord and Father, we have come to a very important time in our lives. The Gospel today insists that we make a straight path for the Lord. Father sometimes we are so engrained in our sins that our paths are very crooked.

We are so uncharitable and unkind that it seems real and acceptable even in the church. Many times, because we think that we are big, bold and courageous, no one must question us or even challenge us for we really feel that we are “mighty”.

Father, we want to change our crooked ways and follow the command of John the Baptist. We want to make a radical change right now. We want to say no to sin and yes to You, and Your teachings.

Help us, dear Lord, to make a proper and straight path for You. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

The Gospel Meditations for December are by Fr Gabriel Julien, a diocesan priest.