A retreat was held at St Benedict’s RC, La Romaine recently for confirmation candidates, parents and sponsors on the topic ‘Motherhood and Fatherhood’, facilitated by Jerome Alexander of Fight the New Drug. Seventy persons were in attendance.
Fight the New Drug is an organisation that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.
The retreat focused on the benefits and challenges of being a Christian parent. One of the challenges noted was the rapid advancement of technology which often left parents behind, especially with regard to the Internet and the easy accessibility of information of all types.
Many parents present were unaware that pornography was readily available online to their children. They also did not know that Trinidad was first worldwide for the most searches per capita for porn.
One parent commented: “Today was a life-changing moment. I am and shall be cognisant of what I learnt today and what I experienced. More than ever, this is needed in today’s living. I am grateful and moved. I feel and sense a closer bond between my daughter and myself. It is encouraging and hopeful for me as a parent, trying to cope in the world today.”
Alexander also spoke to youth of the Cocoyea Open Bible Church on the dangers of pornography. – AFLC