Church in solidarity with those on the fringes
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New Marian grotto at Arima Boys’

Fr Steve Duncan blesses the grotto.

A Marian grotto at the Arima Boys’ RC School was blessed by parish priest Fr Steve Duncan on October 31. \

The day began with the celebration of Holy Mass and many parents who were invited to join the pupils attended which created a community atmosphere.

Fr Duncan took that opportunity to teach the pupils the meaning of the Hail Mary prayer. Rosaries were also blessed during Mass and distributed to every pupil of the school.

After Mass, there was a procession to the school where Fr Duncan blessed the Marian grotto in the presence of pupils, teachers and parents. Specially invited guests were also there to witness the event. All in attendance were invited to view a spectacle of the Holy Rosary in the sky. The principal, staff, pupils and parents would like to thank all the benefactors for their generous contributions and for making this day a memorable one. – Story and photo by Christi Sampson, teacher