Once again pupils of the Mt Lambert RC School embarked on a project to help others; this time their deceased relatives and friends. All pupils were invited to write their own prayers for their departed loved ones. These were posted one week prior to the Feast of All Souls on a special ‘Prayer Wall’. Members of staff were also invited to post their prayers.
Pupils wrote prayers asking God to bless, forgive, love and take care of their departed relatives – mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Every day, pupils were reminded not to hesitate in praying and writing, since their departed loved ones depended on their help.
It was heartening to see pupils gathering around the Prayer Wall to read the prayers of their friends. They welcomed the opportunity to do this special act for their loved ones.
Some had lost members of their families through violent activities. Praying for them gave the pupils hope that they could help them even after death. They were reminded of the power of prayer and the fact that Jesus is always ready to hear from them.
Fr Jayson Grell FMI, during his homily at School Mass on All Souls’ Day, reminded the children that God grants the prayers of children. He said we can count on God to save us because we are filled with joyful trust in Jesus. He explained that even if other things fade their prayers for departed loved ones will never fade.
After Mass, Fr Grell visited the school and blessed the prayers on the Prayer Wall. Everyone joined in the solemn moment. May the souls of our dearly departed, rest in peace, Amen.—Kathleen Warner-Lall, Principal