The Archdiocese is about to embark on an exciting week, namely, Vocations Awareness Week 2018, from Sunday, November 11 to Friday, November 16.
The faithful led by Archbishop Jason Gordon will focus on vocations to the priesthood, religious life and lay consecrated life. What does ‘focus’ mean in the context of Vocations Awareness Week 2018?
It means that amidst everyday activities of the said week, the topic of vocations will come into consciousness in schools, homes, offices, churches and parishes.
This week symbolises what ought to be all year round. In other words, the topic of vocations must be part of the Archdiocese as much as the topics of First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. Asking about vocations ought to be normal as asking about First Communion or Confirmation class in parish.
We ought to be conscious, that mission and vocation go together. ‘Mission’ and ‘Call’ are inseparable in the Bible. Individuals and groups were called to mission. A culture of vocations means a culture of mission. These are essential for the growth of our Archdiocese and the advancement of the reign of God.
In view of this, vocations must not be a taboo topic. It must be normal because mission ought to be normal. The Church is missionary by nature. The notion of call must be seen as second nature to the life of the Archdiocese.
During Vocations Awareness Week families are asked to eat together on Sunday 11 and after the meal, pray for vocations in their family and their parish. Monday 12 is dedicated to the colour green. All Catholics are asked to wear green, the colour of hope! We remain hopeful that God will call and people will answer to serve as priests, brothers and sisters.
On Tuesday 13, we are having a day of witness. We will drive with headlamps on, signifying to Trinidad and Tobago that the Church and the world still needs men and women who will lay down their lives in service.
On Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15, teachers are asked to engage both primary and secondary school students. Primary school teachers are asked to encourage students to plant seeds symbolising that vocations begin as a seed and, given the right conditions, will grow and bear fruit.
Secondary school students are asked to pray for the suffering people of the world and our nation asking the Lord to send labourers into the harvest who would walk with those who suffer. Friday, November 16, is a day of Prayer, Fasting and Abstinence.
God will hear our prayer and send an abundance of labourers into the harvest that is Trinidad and Tobago. Let’s do this!