Before we did our ME Weekend in March 1988, our focus was not so much on our relationship as much as it was on building a life for our family in a positive nurturing environment, passing on values and morals and educating our children so that they will become well-rounded people and take their places in society.
Our ME Weekend, however, challenged us to take a personal look at ourselves as individuals and as a couple in a marital relationship.
Words like “healing” “forgiveness” and “unconditional love” came up. We also learned that God “has a stake in our marriage”—it is His master plan.
Being involved in the ME Movement of T&T since our first weekend to now has enabled us to navigate through the good and not-so-good times in our relationship and make a daily commitment to love each other for the rest of our lives.
The ME Movement provides support for us as we are in relationship with other couples who believe in marriage and we continually lift each other up as we experience the highs and lows of our journey.
We believe that our marriage is God’s plan for us and so we strive every day to keep our relationship active and alive. – Roger and Judithann
Roger and Judithann Scott