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Trini speakers for CCR convention

Janet Chinnia


Fr Trevor Nathasingh and Janet Chinnia will be guest speakers at this year’s 42ndannual Catholic Charismatic Convention which takes place at the Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, Belize City on Friday, November 9 and Saturday 10. This year’s convention will be celebrated under the theme Come Holy Spirit, Empower Me.

Fr Nathasingh, a convert to Catholicism from a Hindu/Muslim background, has been involved in the work of evangelisation and renewal for over 20 years. He has preached all over the Caribbean, USA, Canada and parts of Africa. Fr Nathasingh was ordained to the priesthood in 1989 and has served as pastor of three different parishes. He is now parish priest of the Laventille/Morvant/Success Village Cluster.

Chinnia, a lay minister, catechetical co-ordinator, liturgical co-ordinator and lay evangelist has been involved in the Charismatic Renewal for 22 years. She has preached in several countries such as Slovakia, Romania, India, Brazil, Dutch Antilles, Haiti and the US Virgin Islands.

Registration for the convention will begin Friday, November 9 at 5 p.m. Both Fr Nathasingh and Chinnia will be addressing the gathering that night. Saturday will include talks by both guest speakers as well as workshops. Topics include: ‘I need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit’; ‘Holy Spirit Unlock the Power of Praise in My Life’; ‘Holy Spirit Regenerate Me’; and ‘Holy Spirit Empower Me to live like Jesus’.

The workshops are ‘Spiritual Warfare’, ‘Christianity Compared to Cults’, ‘Prayer-Petition-Intercession’, ‘Tattoo and Body Piercing’, ‘The Value of the Eucharistic Bread’, ‘Praise and Worship’, ‘Growing in your relationships with Jesus’ and ‘Jesus Renew my Spirit, Mind and Body’.

The convention will conclude Sunday 11 with the March for Jesus. Two talks are scheduled for that day as well as a short healing service after the march.