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Church’s newest saint and his influence  

Pope Paul VI, who will be canonised a saint today, Sunday was called “a pope of dialogue” since he felt there was a dire need for the Church to dialogue with the world. When he succeeded Pope John XXIII, it was his task to implement the many reforms in the Church that the Second Vatican Council had called for.

His last encyclical, Humanae Vitae in 1968, called for faithfulness to the Church’s teachings and confirmed that the Church would not change its teaching on contraception. This upset many. Pope Benedict XVI called him “superhuman”; Pope Francis said he was a man who “knew how to witness, in difficult years, to the faith in Jesus Christ”.

Pope Francis claims though, that the best-written document by Pope Paul VI was his exhortation on evangelisation, Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Proclaiming the Gospel) 1975. Paul VI wrote that the Church itself “has a constant need of being evangelised,” and that people listen more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and when they listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. (www.crux.com)

It is with this need in mind that we are hosting screenings of the documentary, ‘Sexual Revolution: 50 Years since Humanae Vitae’. In this documentary, there is a testimonial of a singer/songwriter who gives up her musical career after she encounters Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae.

The production is an amazing compilation of facts that summarise some of the deepest truths about life and love. It is very much worth watching and discussing as it can assist us in understanding some key points in history that have led us to the world in which we live today. It is an excellent piece of work that ought to be shared worldwide.

The movie also highlights the work of Dr John Billings and how he laboured in the vineyard prior to Humanae Vitae which supported his work on Natural Fertility Regulation.

In 1953, the Billings Ovulation Method® was developed and has been researched by scientists ever since. This is the most studied Method of Family Planning in the world to date. It was developed because the Rhythm (Calendar or Counting) Method at the time was not effective for some couples who, due to serious problems were trying to regulate the number of births in their family.

The fact that young people are increasingly turning to organic food and natural health care choices leads the documentary’s director Daniel diSilva to believe “we’re sitting on the cusp of a revolution of natural family planning”, in which married couples use neither drugs nor devices but rather fertility awareness to delay or achieve pregnancy. (Taken from News on www.sexualrevolutionmovie.com).

The final screening of this movie is on Friday, October 19 at the Church of the Holy Spirit Parish Hall, Malabar, Arima.

If this method, coupled with the Church’s teachings and the practice of chastity, were carried out worldwide we would be living in a different world. Women would become self-assured by understanding their fertility, eliminating the fear of unexpected pregnancy. A woman’s health would be preserved by co-operating with nature. Early signs of disease would be detected through correct charting.

Her husband would become appreciative and respectful of her skill and together they would grow in love as they make joint decisions about their family. They would develop mutual trust and demonstrate fidelity to each other, protect each other from sexually transmitted diseases and live together in harmony. Children would be loved and be happy.

This is not a dream. We can make it a reality. Learn or tell someone about the Billings Ovulation Method® today.

Contact BOMA-TT: 384-1659 Email: billingstt@gmail.com, website: www.billingstt.com