By Lenore Callender, Co-ordinator, Hospital Visitation Ministry
Members of the Eternal Light Community (ELC) made their way to Pt Fortin to join with ministers to launch the Ministry of the Sick at the Pt Fortin Area Hospital on August 25. The hospital is a small one consisting of two wards, namely the Gynaecological/Obstetric and Medical wards, with 18 beds each.
We arrived at the hospital at 10.30 a.m. and after speaking with the Head Nurse of the Emergency Reception area, Anstey Johnson, we were then taken to the Administrative area where we met with Nurse Earon McHall.
‘Sister’ Deborah de Rosia welcomed the group (14 persons, among whom were three young men) and thanked them for coming out. Six other ministers were unable to attend the launch, due to prior engagements. She outlined the history of the Ministry of the Sick and explained the reason for the launch. Lydia Roberts offered up the opening prayer followed by praise and worship.
When the praise and worship session ended, ‘Sr Debbie’ anointed all ministers and sent us out in groups of two to pray for the patients. Prayer cards were also distributed to the ministers to share with these patients.
When the ministers completed their rounds in the wards, we returned to the waiting area to report on the experience. In the Gynaecological/Obstetric Ward there were two patients of the Evangelical faith, who accepted prayer, and gave us their contact numbers. In the Medical Ward, there were ten patients (seven male, three female) with whom we prayed.
Ministers also offered prayers with a young man visiting his mother on a ward, and persons waiting in the Emergency Reception area. Nurses and other medical personnel at the hospital received prayers as well.
With a maximum of 20 ministers, it is our intention to have a Catholic presence every day at the Area Hospital. Monica Nancoo promised to set up a schedule and forward to the co-ordinator for inclusion in the diary.
Ministers were then informed about the next quarterly meeting scheduled for November 10.
There was a further discussion on the use of branded polo tee-shirts for ministers. When the plain tee-shirts are purchased, the co-ordinator promised to collect and deliver them to the ELC, for forwarding to the company for the printing of the logo.
After extending profound gratitude to the ministers as well as the medical personnel on duty that day, we ended the session with thanks—the theme song— Imela.
Special thanks to our dear Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Harris for championing this initiative. Mention must also be made to the persons/ministers who either prayed for us or came out to support us whenever there was a launch at the hospitals.
And finally, we thank God for His love and mercy as the ministers continue this very important corporal work of mercy.