‘Let’s Talk About Sex Again’ was held on August 17 for young adults 19 years and older at St Charles Borromeo RC Church, Tunapuna. There were presentations, a panel discussion and Question and Answer session.
The following testimonials were given by two attendees.
Vianney-Marie Williams:Initially, we were talking and getting to know each other, presenters and participants alike. This served as an ice breaker for the youths. The ‘open discussion’ forum gave me a sense of freedom, as the barriers of formality were removed. The presenters interacted with us asking questions and addressing our thoughts. On the topic of ‘sex before marriage’, Damian de Verteuil shared the beautiful concept that marriage is a sacrament which calls us to “…mirror the relationship between Christ and His bride the Church, that is—to be willing to die for the other.”
Jerome Alexander shared some of the detrimental effects of pornography. Pornographic addiction differs from other addictions because the ‘drug’ is in the mind, in the thoughts. This addiction has numerous side effects, some of which may not be easily linked to watching porn. Some of these side-effects include depression, lack of interest in socialising and school work, leading a double life and unattainable expectations from their sexual partners.
Anna-Maria Williams: I think that the session was awe-inspiring. The information was new and fresh! I believe that topics such as abortion, pornography and marriage should be discussed in full length, as many Catholic young adults are bombarded with the media’s perspective and not the Church’s. The presenters provided an open space, where a variety of opinions were voiced. I was impressed with the responses to questions especially from Suzy de Verteuil. She made us aware that “every abortion is a tragedy as there is the death of a life”. This really struck me. Then she went on to urge us to support any pregnant woman who may be financially/emotionally distraught. In this way, our society can ease the burdens of these mothers and save lives.