Constructing a backyard NFT Hydroponic System
July 2, 2018
Anniversaries for Nuncio, Deputy
July 2, 2018

FAQs about the Vocations Cup Programme

Q. Many single-parent families ask to be part of the Vocations Cup Programme of a parish. Is this allowed?

Single-parent families are part of a Catholic parish. They are loved and valued by the Church too and, if they are desirous of being part of the Vocations Cup Programme, by all means, they should and could be part of this intercessory prayer ministry of the Church.

Q. Should a family receive the Cup more than once?

There is no problem whatsoever in a family receiving the Vocations Cup more than once, in so far that other families that have not yet received the Cup are given first preference. As many families as possible should be given the opportunity to be part of the ministry of praying for vocations.

Q. If a family comprising a Catholic mother and non-Catholic father, asks to receive the Cup, what should be said to them?

Such a family should be encouraged to receive the Cup. The Church recognises and values the marriage between a Catholic party and a non-Catholic party.

Q. Should families without children receive the Vocations Cup?

The Vocations Cup is a ministry through which all people are prayed for. When a family receives the Cup the intention is not to pray that their children become priests and religious but that all people are prayed for to open their hearts to the possibility of a call. Therefore, a family without children can also be part of this ministry of praying for vocations.

Q. Can a family who receives the Cup use prayers other than the prescribed prayers that accompany the Cup?
The family is encouraged to use the prayers that accompany the Cup. They are encouraged to be united with the rest of the archdiocese in prayer that focuses on vocations promotions. Notwithstanding this recommendation, they can say additional prayers for the country and for their family.