Nelson Street Girls’ RC hosted its second Annual Daddy- Daughter Dance in the School’s Food Preparation Room on June 14. This venture is the brainchild of the school’s Acting Principal, Lisa Hinds- Lynch.Bernadette Ramharack began the dance with an opening prayer for families. Hinds-Lynch then declaredthe dance open.
The afternoon event kicked off to the slow melodious sounds of the popular Luther Vandross song, ‘Dance with My Father Again’. The room was packed with fathers, uncles, grandfathers, members of the Inter-Agency Task Force and mothers with their lovely daughters.The girls were treated to lovely corsages made by teachers and parents of the Parent Teachers’Association. These complemented their beautiful dresses.
The fathers and their daughters formed conga lines and even did the Electric Slide during their special dance. The best-dressed dad chosen was Jay Jobe, father of Adaeze Delicia of Standard Two, and the best-dressed daughters were Shenella Drew of Infants, and Antonia Victor, Standard One.A great time was had by all. – Jewel Hills, Infants teacher