Fourteen Catholic schools of the Suburban Vicariate participated in a ‘Festival of Choral Speaking’ May 24 under the patronage of the Catholic Education Board of Management (CEBM). Among those present were Vicar, Suburban Vicariate, Fr Gerard Tang Choon O Carm, CEBM Director of Primary and Secondary Schools Mennen Walker-Briggs, choral speaking experts and vicariate managers.
This festival was the culmination of months of preparation which began with a training workshop conducted by Thora Best. It was emphasised that choral speaking elicits multiple benefits for pupils by helping them to: develop effective and fluent read aloud skills; improve sight vocabulary; understand rhythm, metre, rhymes and character; and demonstrate the importance of oral tradition.
Approximately 350 pupils accompanied by their principals and coordinating teachers filled the Bourg Mulatresse Parish Hall on festival day. It was an exciting and enjoyable affair as each school recited its prepared piece.
Participating schools were St David’s; San Juan Boys’; Bourg Mulatresse; Mt Lambert; St Benedict’s; Malick Girls’; St Joseph Boys’; St Joseph Girls’; Tunapuna Girls’; Tunapuna Boys’; Curepe (Fatima); St Dominic Savio Barataria; Santa Cruz; and Maracas.
The choral speaking segments were interspersed with other performances including recitation of a poem titled ‘Manners’ by pupils from Bourg Mulatresse RC, and two songs titled ‘Day by Day’ and ‘My Favourite Things’ which were sung by students of St Joseph Girls’ RC. – Story and photos courtesy Aurea Honore, Vicariate Manager, Suburban.