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Our Aspirancy Programme

On Saturday, May 12, eight men of varying ages joined the Aspirancy Programme of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain.

These men have taken seriously the slogan of Generation S: ‘Dare to be Different—think and talk priesthood’. More so, they have responded to the stirrings of a call to the priesthood that may have been placed in their hearts by God.

It is hoped that during a period of 12 months they would discern if God is calling them to the priesthood and take the next step of joining the seminary for even further discernment and formation.

These men have raised their commitment to discernment by leaving their homes, families and social engagements. They have entered the Aspirancy House, not believing that they will be priests, but believing that they will discern if God is in fact calling them to the ministerial priesthood.

The role of the Aspirancy House, located in the parish of St Joseph, St Joseph, is to provide an atmosphere conducive to discernment. Although structured around prayer, daily Mass, and human and spiritual formation, the aspirants are not pressured to become priests but encouraged to be open to what God may be asking of them.

They are supported, encouraged, motivated and inspired to give serious thought to the diocesan priesthood. They are asked to insert themselves into a lifestyle of prayer, discipleship, celibacy and ministry while keeping their jobs and contributing towards the financial upkeep of the house.

The archdiocese is asking your prayers for these brothers that God’s will may be clarified in their lives. The archdiocese is asking you to support the Archbishop’s Appeal that would ultimately aid in the future formation of these men.

If you wish to donate now towards the financial upkeep of the Aspirancy House, make cheques payable to RC ARCHBISHOP OF POS – PRESEMINARY. Or, call 299-1056. – Archdiocesan Vocations Recruitment Team