Migrants can bring a new wave of life
June 2, 2018
9th Sunday of OT (B)
June 2, 2018

Learn about new social media at CSCC 2018

Are you 18 years or over?  Are you interested in the new social media and communications? Are you a disciple of Jesus?  Do you want to effectively communicate and inspire your faith in this digital age?

Come and join our animated team of expert social media consultants who are ready to share their practical wisdom and best practices with you. No matter how little or how much you know about social media, the Caribbean School for Catholic Communications (CSCC) adapts to meet your pastoral needs.

The programme format includes:

TED Talks by Catholic media professionals

Group online research and interaction

Practical, hands-on media experience using the latest digital tools

Practical production design & developmental planning through the comprehensive CSCC Guide Book.

One-on-one mentoring with Catholic communication consultants

Advanced production training for diocesan media personnel

Some of our objectives:

To introduce participants to the practical skills of integrated pastoral communications planning, in order to spark the religious imagination of our parishes, (arch) dioceses and local communities

To offer participants creative opportunities to identify a variety of both digital media techniques and faith-dialogue for inspiring a “new way of being Church in the 21st Century”

To offer practical communications ministry skills to animate diocesan and parish communities for becoming ‘witnessing communities’ that encourage a real experience of the New Evangelisation

To nurture a digital community of disciples within the Caribbean to support and inspire the mission and vision of the Church for inviting all to a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ

To collaborate throughout the AEC with the aim of establishing a firm Integrated Pastoral Communications Plan for supporting (arch) diocesan, parish and ministry programmes across the board

If you would like to be a part of this incredible experience, please join us from Sunday, August 5 to Saturday 11, in residence, at the Emmaus Retreat Center, Arima. The cost is $1800 and covers accommodation, meals and workshop materials.

Please call Suzanne Dowdy at the Living Water Community: 623-4677 or 625-5168. Check your Catholic News in the weeks ahead for more information.