Principal appeals for funds
April 20, 2018
Conserving the Divine Harmony
April 20, 2018

Packed agenda in Rome

His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin Edward Felix of Castries and the bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) gathered in Rome, Italy during the week of April 16 for an ad limina apostolorum.

The visit ad limina apostolorum normally occurs every five years and its purpose is twofold: to venerate the tombs of the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul; and to meet with the Successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.

The term ad limina apostolorum means “to the threshold of the apostles” and refers to the pilgrimage which the bishops make to the tombs of the apostles Peter and Paul to venerate and pray.

Prior to their visit to Rome, each bishop prepares an extensive report on the state of his diocese. This report contains an overview of the diocesan situation as well as statistics in relation to things like parishes, churches, schools and so on. It also looks at issues surrounding how the Church relates to the world and times in which it finds itself. It identifies strengths and challenges and how the lived faith responds to the world around it. This report is analysed, after which a summary is presented to the pope, allowing him to acquaint himself with the situation of each diocese prior to meeting with the bishops.

During the ad limina, meetings are scheduled between the bishops and the various congregations, dicasteries and pontifical offices of the Roman Curia. At these meetings they have the opportunity to discuss areas of mutual concern, and explore pastoral initiatives and ways in which the Holy See can assist the Church at the local level.

The ad limina apostolorum agenda was full:

On April 16, the cardinal and bishops celebrated Mass at the tomb of the first successor, Saint Peter in the basilica named for him. In his homily, Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, President of the Conference, reflected upon Peter and the role and life of the bishops today.

Two hours later, the bishops returned to the Vatican where they were warmly welcomed by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. The bishops met with Pope Francis for nearly two hours. The meeting with the Holy Father took place in the apostolic library.  Seated around Pope Francis, the bishops expressed their love and support in concrete and specific ways.

On Tuesday, April 17, the bishops continued their pilgrimage to the tomb of St Paul.  The Holy Eucharist was celebrated at the main altar in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls after which the cardinal and bishops processed to pray before the tomb of Saint Paul. In his homily, Cardinal Felix invited all to reflect upon the spirit of prayer and pilgrimage that they were undertaking. He encouraged the bishops to carry the pilgrimage spirit back to their respective countries.  He added that “the AEC offers a great example of collaboration and commitment for Caribbean institutions”. He also encouraged the bishops to recall and pray for the bishops and missionaries who had ministered before them.

For the rest of the week, the cardinal and bishops visited with the remaining curial departments as well as visit and celebrated the Eucharist at the Basilica of Mary Major and the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. Visit AEC Facebook page or for more information –Br Christopher Meyer, OFM.