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April 20, 2018
Live and plant seeds of authenticity
April 20, 2018

Easter spirit must be lived daily

Bishop Lawrence Nicasio


Easter is not about the hot cross buns or chocolate Easter bunny eaten, nor about the Easter clothes worn. “It is all about the man, Jesus, who has risen from the dead; He, whose resurrection has given us the reason to live lives full of hope,” Bishop Lawrence Sydney Nicasio of Belize City and Belmopan said in his Easter message. The full text was published in the April issue of The Christian Herald.

Bishop Nicasio told the faithful that as people of Easter, people of the resurrection, they give witness to life lived in goodness by what they say and do. He urged them to join hands with him in joint commitment to living the spirit of Easter daily wherever they live and meet.

Bishop Nicasio said “The Lord be with you! It is right to give God thanks and praise!” are two of his favourite lines in his spiritual journey. They remind him of God’s omnipresence and the need to acknowledge God’s kindness and generosity to all.

The bishop quoted from Pope Francis and our Call to Joy:Often it seems that God does not exist: all around us we see persistent injustice, evil, indifference and cruelty” (p 73). “With all the religion and spirituality lessons we hear daily, I still wonder whose voice and whose instructions we are following in this life. It surely would not be God’s voice and God’s instructions, because the God I know and follow and live for is a God of life and not a God of death.”

In his message, Bishop Nicasio stated that there is no reward given for doing evil, or for a life lived in darkness. “It was from the midst of the darkness of His Passion and death that something new sprang to life—His resurrection, His victory over death. It was this victory over death that gave the human race new life and the great hope of a like resurrection. However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads.”