Some 1,700 youth delegates between ages 16–35 are expected to attend the 6th Antilles Episcopal Conference Youth Assembly (AECYA) in Fort-de-France, Martinique from July 10–23. The chosen theme Youth Transforming the Caribbean Family, is influenced by Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia. Thus far, 19 dioceses, including the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, have confirmed their attendance.
The assembly forms part of the AEC Youth Commission’s five-year plan for the renewal of family life in the Caribbean. It builds on foundation set at AECYA 2015.
An AECYA 2018 Bulletin, dated April 1, 2017, said that it is the dream of the AEC Secretariat that there be a significant presence of clergy and religious—at least one priest and one religious from each (arch)diocese at the assembly.
Registration began April 1, 2017 and ends April 30, 2018.
A memo to all (Arch)Diocesan youth leaders from Archbishop Kenneth Richards of Kingston, Jamaica, Chairman, AEC Youth Commission said that in order for Catholic youth and young adults to become agents of remedial action and to change the realities that undermine the integrity of marriage and family life, a conversation and assessment of the present reality is important.
“Hence, the approach will involve understanding God’s plan as outlined in Scripture, as interpreted by the teachings of the Church; reflection on personal and vicarious experiences of marriage and family life; and making use of information gathered from research.”
Each diocese has been assigned a chapter of Amoris Laetitia to explore; they will then prepare a presentation of 7–10 minutes in their preferred format.
The assignment for each diocese:
Ch 1–Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica; Diocese of Cayenne, French Guiana
Ch 2–Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica; Diocese of Paramaribo, Suriname; Missio Sui Juris, Turks and Caicos Islands
Ch 3–Archdiocese of Castries, St Lucia; Diocese of St George’s-in-Grenada
Ch 4–Diocese of St John’s, Basseterre; Diocese of Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines; Missio Sui Juris, Cayman Islands
Ch 5–Diocese of Roseau, Dominica; Diocese of Belize City and Belmopan, Belize; Diocese of Montego Bay, Jamaica
Ch 6–Archdiocese of Port of Spain; Diocese of Georgetown, Guyana
Ch 7–Diocese of Willemstad, Curaçao; Diocese of Bridgetown, Barbados
Ch 8–Archdiocese of Nassau, Bahamas; Diocese of Hamilton, Bermuda
Ch 9–Archdiocese of Fort de France, Martinique; Diocese of Basse-Terre and Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe.
AECYA logo
A logo submitted by the Archdiocese of Fort-de-France has been selected as AECYA 2018’s official logo. The human figure represents the Youth of the Caribbean. Its position, in motion, with hand extended to the cross, inspire change (decision and action). The gaze of the figure is constantly turned towards Christ who leads and accompanies the youth. The cross represents Christ, without whom change would not be foreseeable. The slender shape of the cross expresses our desire to raise it ever more, but it also represents Christ who attracts us, leads us and provides us with the means to demonstrate our faith. The water (represented by the blue shape), and the palms, both constitute elements that embrace the representation of the Caribbean. Shapes retain momentum and motion, which are recurrent in all the other components of the logo.