Liturgical basics for Lent
February 16, 2018
A Lent for love
February 16, 2018

Be prepared to die to yourself – Fr Tang Kai

Fr Leslie Tang Kai distributes ashes during the Ash Wednesday morning Mass. Photo courtesy Jason Crawford

“We are the army of the Lord!” The voices of the staff and pupils of the Scarborough RC Primary rang out lustily, as they sang choruses and awaited the start of Mass on Ash Wednesday morning. The church was filled to capacity with children and visitors, and promptly at 9 a.m. the Mass began.

In his brief homily, parish priest Fr Leslie Tang Kai reminded all present that we are called to be agents of God’s love in the world today, and to love unconditionally like Christ did. “Are we prepared to die to ourselves for the good of others?” he asked.

Then he challenged us with a little story: Imagine there was a deadly virus which spread all over the world and came to the Caribbean. This deadly virus infected your mum and the only way to save her life was by a blood transfusion. A rare blood type is needed and you are the only person who has this blood! But in agreeing to the transfusion, your own life would be at risk—you could die! Would you give your blood to save your loved one? This is exactly what Jesus did, Father explained.

He ended his remarks with a reminder that God sent Jesus so that we might become the goodness of God. How? – By obeying the commandment of love, by caring and showing respect for one another, and especially by forgiving those who hurt us. “Forgiveness is the key to Jesus’ ministry.” So . . . beware of the tit-for-tat mentality! – Bernadette Phillips, parishioner