It is never easy to say goodbye, especially when we realise that we may not see that person till we meet again in Our Father’s mansion. So it was on Thursday, January 4, when teachers and pupils of Carapichaima RC Primary gathered together with the family and well-wishers of Tyler Prince Nathan Edwards for his funeral. It was a difficult moment for all present.
Tyler, nine, was a Standard Three pupil of the school. He was an enthusiastic, energetic, resilient well-rounded pupil, always ready and willing to assist any teacher at any time once the need arose.
He was often seen on many errands to the office, participating in assemblies religiously, singing and drumming – he wanted to join the school choir to play drums for Holy Mass in Standard Four. He exercised kindness to all fellow pupils.
Tyler was an excellent cub scout and was known to assemble all scouts before meetings. He was secretly involved in Red Cross at the school since he belonged to the cub scouts, and served with the group in caring for injured pupils when necessary. He wanted to become a pilot to take care of his mother, Antoinette.
Tyler, his mother, sister Tamiya, and his mother’s friend were returning home from a wedding December 26 when they were involved in a vehicular accident which claimed his life.
At the funeral, Tyler’s teacher Christine Cuffie and classmates paid tribute as they shared the many things which made their class a special place because of Tyler’s contribution. The pupils read a poem in his honour, ‘If Tears could build a Staircase’. His Christmas end of term exam Creative Writing piece entitled ‘The person I admire’ was about his mother. It was read by his teacher at the funeral.
Cuffie shared how much she depended on him to tell the truth in each situation in the class, how friendly he was to his past teachers and helpful to fellow pupils, and was never afraid to express himself. He enjoyed sports and at the last sports day he was on the tug of war team.
God has a master plan for each of us. It is not always easy to understand His plans, especially when we feel at times His plans may be unfair. We thank God for Tyler’s life and time on earth with us as we say goodbye.
We keep trusting in God the Father who promised us in John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” We take comfort that Tyler is resting with Our Father and we too will one day join him in Our Father’s mansion. Good bye dear Tyler. We will miss you.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. – Rosemarie Siewnarine, Teacher