Instilling peace for Advent and beyond at Hardbargain RC
December 10, 2017
Promoting human rights
December 10, 2017

Carapichaima RC parranderos shine

The Carapichaima RC Parang Band before their performance at the recent junior parang finals.


The Standard Five students of the Carapichaima RC Primary took a break from their studies and prepared themselves for the National Junior Parang Finals competition on Saturday, November 18. Thirty-three bands competed and Carapichaima placed eighth (tying with Barataria Anglican Primary), 14 marks away from the first place.

The band was prepared for three months by La Familia de Carmona y Amigos led by  Joel Carmona and Marcelvia Fitzwilliam-Carmona. The journey for these 18 pupils was one that drew them close to the Annunciation since the piece of choice was ‘Habalando de la Virgin’, the conversation between the Angel Gabriel and Mary. Lead singer Chelsea Reyes sang lustily as she led her band and many hearts to experience this Annunciation.

“Come they told me!” was the song of the humble drummer boy at the side of the manger on Christmas morning. These were the same sentiments of Don Isaiah Francois who said, “OK miss, I will come and try on the toc-toc!” He did, and God was able to multiply his blessings and humility as he was judged the best toc-toc player.

The band continues to shine and bring that blessing of the Annunciation to others as they performed at the Carapichaima RC parish lime and the Waterloo Presbyterian School’s annual concert; and soon at other upcoming events. – Rosemarie Siewnarine, teacher