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Churches walk against rising crime

Participants in the candlelight procession walk through the streets of St Vincent. Photo: Catholic Social Communications Commission.


The Catholic Church of the diocese of St Vincent and the Grenadines held an Ecumenical Service and silent Candlelight Walk around Kingstown, November 17 in response to an increase in violent crime in the country.

Members of parliament, as well as leaders from several other Christian denominations, “and people of good will” came together to offer prayers for the nation at the 5 p.m. service at the Cathedral of the Assumption.

Attendees gathered at the Cathedral dressed in white and black — white being the predominant colour as a sign of hope and light.

In a message to the faithful, Bishop Gerard County of Kingstown said the island had seen an increase in violent crime in the last few months especially among its young men. The murder count for the year was 38 as at mid- November.

“Recent gruesome and senseless murders have caused the nation much pain and anxiety. Innocent lives have been lost and families devastated,” he said. Bishop County designated the month of November as a month of prayer for the nation and called on parishes to offer special prayers for the nation at all Masses and services until November 26, the feast of Christ the King.

He ended, “I urge you to pray without ceasing for our blessed Hairouna St Vincent and the Grenadines. May God continue to bless you and our nation,” he said.