The Companions of the Transfigured Christ (CTC) is inviting all youth ministries, prayer groups, leaders and all of God’s people of the Northern Vicariate to Day of Empowerment: Revive Us Lord at the Church of the Nativity on Sunday, September 17 from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Based on the powerful experiences that persons had at last year’s Day of Empowerment, we are gathering again to reflect and pray for a revival in our land, as we ask the Lord to renew our minds, awaken our hearts and empower our wills to live out our baptismal call in our families, communities and in the Church.
Come and experience dynamic preaching, inspiring testimonies and powerful music ministry that will surely help you to take on the challenges of being a missionary disciple in our time.
There is no cost to attend. All we ask is that you make a love offering to help us offset the cost of the day. Lunch will be on sale and t-shirts will be available before and on the day. For more details call us at 225-8210 or email – CTC