The Praxis Parochorum 2017 along with the companion document ‘Pastoral Administrative Manual’ – PAM are both issued in this year dedicated to the theme of Hospitality.
I am happy that we can offer the clergy (Priests and Deacons) as well as all those involved in the administration of the parish communities some basic guidelines that will help us all to be more effective in caring for All God’s People.
Hospitality is the virtue of kindness and generosity toward others. It is a spiritual discipline that reminds us of the manner in which we ourselves have been received by Christ. Parish Leadership through programmes and structures sets the tone for welcoming others and indeed all the people of God into a community of believers. It is in this community that many grace-filled moments have facilitated the saving mission of Christ. This mission is best accomplished by living out the three-fold mission of the one Lord and Savior in his priestly, prophetic and kingly offices.
These two documents combine the governance dimensions of the archdiocese with a prophetic and priestly underpinning that best address our ongoing commitment to the full implementation of the SYNODAL decisions.
I thank all who have worked on the development these documents and I declare that this letter on the date signed serves as the promulgation of the Praxis Parochorum as particular Law for this Archdiocese and will take effect one month later (July 01, 2017), Canon 8, sec. 2.
May the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Maria Spes, continue to intercede for us all as we remain faithful to the call of God to be the Body of Christ in this Archdiocese.
Sincerely yours in Christ
The Most Reverend Joseph E. Harris
Archbishop of Port of Spain
June 1, 2017