Nine make First Communion at Navet

‘Grande’ servers give thanks
August 4, 2017
18th Sunday OT (A)
August 4, 2017

Nine make First Communion at Navet

Jesus said, “This is my Body… This is my Blood…” These were the words that nine candidates of the First Communion Class at Holy Name of Mary Chapel, Navet prepared themselves to hear as they received the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time on Saturday, July 1.

With the guidance from parish priest Fr Glyn Jemmott and the work of catechist Judith Gumaia, these candidates journeyed towards their First Holy Communion encountering the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

In a simple and humble ceremony, Fr Jemmott, candidates, parents, catechist and well-wishers gathered and participated in the Liturgy of Word and song as these little ones answered “Amen” to the words: “Body of Christ… Blood of Christ”.

It was indeed an awesome experience felt in the hearts, minds and souls of all candidates. – Rosemarie Siewnarine