Cedros parish encouraged to help Venezuelans
July 27, 2017
17th Sunday OT (A)
July 27, 2017

Guyanese pilgrims visit Cathedral

Msgr Christian Pereira (right) shows pilgrims the tombs of Archbishop Anthony Pantin and Bishop John Mendes. Photos: Lara Pickford-Gordon

A group of young pilgrims from Our Lady of Lourdes, Region 1 Mabaruma, Guyana, visited the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on July 12.

Vicar General and Cathedral Administrator Msgr Christian Pereira met the group and showed them the Memorial Chapel where the bodies of the late Archbishop Anthony Pantin and Bishop John Mendes are entombed.

Missionary Joseph Wells said a summer camp is usually held by the church and this year a visit to Trinidad and Tobago was planned. The theme for the camp is Discipleship and Service.

Pilgrims and some of their Sangre Grande parish hosts pose for a photo in front the Cathedral’s sanctuary.

Building youth involvement in Church is a focus of the trip and youth leader Paul Hernandez said “Young people are not coming out to church, being involved in youth ministry [or] all of the ministries,” he said. The trip will expose them to youth groups in this country to get a different perspective.

Wells, who is originally from Tobago said they came to attend the Jesus Explosion held July 14–16 at Trinity College Auditorium. He said the group comprising persons 14–26 years had a “wonderful experience” on their first night July 11 when they attended a prayer meeting and Mass with Fr Trevor Nathasingh.

The youth group was accommodated at the Franciscan House of Prayer, St Francis Parish, Sangre Grande, and is currently visiting Tobago until August 3.