Instructions from a soca star – Feb 5

Some Vatican recommendations – Jan 22
December 18, 2014
Lent presents many opportunities – Mar 4
December 18, 2014

Instructions from a soca star – Feb 5

Instructions from a soca star – Feb 5 PDF Print E-mail

Revitalising Catholic Culture and IdentityBy Vernon Khelawan

When Archbishop Joseph Harris, in a homily delivered last weekend, referred to how easily dance/party patrons respond to the instructions of artistes on stage while delivering their various renditions, it must have struck a chord in most of the congregation, given the season we are in.

Here was the head of the Catholic Church in Trinidad and Tobago, newly appointed at that, admonishing his flock about being very careful to whom they gave “authority” to influence their lives. This was a serious warning coming from His Grace, not only to that particular group of people, but Catholics throughout the archdiocese.

A look at what passes for our culture these days, especially at Carnival time, must have been what the Archbishop was thinking as he prepared his sermon. There is no doubt, that “feters” in the heat of the party are so easily led to follow instructions coming from the stage, regardless of the standing of that person in society.

The Archbishop went on to say that as he viewed the footage on the television, his immediate reaction was we had lost our independence, when a soca artiste could get thousands to respond in seconds to “get something and wave”.

However, Catholics must be fully aware that our true culture cannot be as flippant as instructions from a singer. Therefore, Revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity is meant to bring the People of God to reflect upon, become more mindful of and live more fully, the fundamental aspects of their faith.

This second Pastoral Priority therefore would prove to be quite challenging and ongoing, since it calls us to redefine ourselves continually in a secular world – a world that is inhabited by such gullible people, who would think nothing of getting something to wave on instructions from someone you don’t know or have never met.

We therefore have little choice, but to pray that as we strive to achieve the Civilisation of Love in our beloved country and in particular the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, we will be guided by the Holy Spirit to live in the freedom of the Spirit which will lead to a deeper appreciation and living out of the Catholic faith.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 February 2012 22:03