Key role of schools – Sep 25

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Key role of schools – Sep 25

Key role of schools – Sep 25 PDF Print E-mail

The Catholic Education Board of Management (CEBM) recognises the Catholic school system as a fundamental institution through which Catholic Culture and Identity must be re-ignited.

Deeply committed to this second Priority of Synod 2009, the Board intends to step up the process which has already begun, and continue to cooperate with the archdiocesan departments to realise the goals related to Catholic schools.

Success of this initiative depends on the combined enthusiasm, energy, enterprise and action by all who influence what happens in the classroom i.e. parents, principals, parish priests, teachers, ancillary staff, resource persons, guest lecturers, CEROs (Catechetical Office) et al.

On a daily basis, the classroom teacher who interfaces with the students for even longer hours than parents, holds the key to this transformation, and must model all the behaviours of being Catholic.

Principals’ and teachers’ retreats, training sessions, cluster meetings for sharing best practices, already in train, will continue with greater urgency as the medium through which the Board can assist in re-rooting the schools in Catholic culture.

Motivated by its commitment to maintain high standards of leadership, a critical factor in influencing the process of revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity, the CEBM uses stringent guidelines in the interview for promotional posts.

In recommending a candidate to the Teaching Service Commission, the Board will ascertain that other than the academic and professional prerequisites for the job, the candidate is a living witness to the faith, actively involved in parish ministry, is passionate about Catholic education and desirous of propagating the faith in the school.

Both the Association of Catholic Principals (APCS) and the Catholic Teachers’ Association (CTA), two strategic arms of the CEBM, plan to have guest presenters at their upcoming fora at the end of September and early October on the second Priority – Catholic Culture and Identity. This was done last year for the first priority.

While the visible, physical signs easily identify a school as Catholic i.e. orderliness, cleanliness, student discipline, prayer corners/rooms, chapels, grottos, crucifixes, statues, in addition to daily worship, school Masses, celebrations of feast days, praying the Rosary, all very important in a Catholic school, a deeper long-term personal and individual conversion of each member of the school community is required to sustain Catholic culture and achieve the goal of revitalising Catholic education.

The CEBM stands committed to the call to conversion necessary to promote Catholic Culture and Identity and to keep alive the re-Catholicising movement. – CEBM

Last Updated on Friday, 30 September 2011 11:48