A note to parishes – Jul 3

Appreciating the mission – May 29
December 18, 2014
A new way of being Church – Jul 10
December 18, 2014

A note to parishes – Jul 3

A note to parishes – Jul 3 PDF Print E-mail

From the Synod Implementation Team

On Thursday, June 23, Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the second pastoral priority Revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity was officially launched.

At all the Corpus Christi celebrations – in Port of Spain, San Fernando, Chaguanas, Tobago – prayer cards were distributed. The prayer cards are a tangible reminder of our call as Catholics to pray in concert, united in word, heart and spirit as we strive to build the “civilisation of love”.

On the reverse side of the prayer card the seven Synod resolutions that pertain to the second priority are listed.

In his column this week (back page) Archbishop Gilbert addresses Resolution #1: Be it resolved that the Archdiocese, at all levels, reaffirm Sunday as the Lord’s Day “to rediscover with new intensity the meaning of Sunday: its mystery, its celebration, its significance for Christian and human life.”

Remember our call to “join the conversation” at all the different levels suggested – in families, regular Church groups such as choir, Legion of Mary, catechetical teams, in offices or wherever groups of Catholics meet. The list of questions and the suggested procedure for conducting the conversation so as to ensure effective feedback was carried in the June 26 issue.

We ask that every parish and worshipping community invite people to stay back for 20 minutes after Mass on one weekend, break into groups of eight for the conduct and recording of the conversation. If it is logistically possible, groups should be of the same age group, but if this is difficult, they should remain intergenerational.

We ask that the notes of the “Conversation”, accompanied by parish information and data on the number of participants be sent by August 2, 2011, by email to: ]]> ]]>This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ]]> or by post to:

Catholic Culture and identity
Archbishop’s House, 27 Maraval Road, Port of Spain


Almighty God, You have called us to be Your Church here in Trinidad and Tobago.

Be with us in the power of Your Spirit as we move forward together, striving to build the Civilisation of Love.

Send forth Your light and Your truth – let these be our guide.

Protect us from all that may lead us astray.

Keep us united in constant prayer with Mary, our mother, so that together we may make Your Church alive and present in our land.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 July 2011 08:53