Shining example from Moruga – Oct 17

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Shining example from Moruga – Oct 17

Shining example from Moruga – Oct 17 PDF Print E-mail

By Vernon Khelawan

I was recently told about a most interesting event which happened in south Trinidad. It was a funeral, but one with such unique circumstances that it’s worth sharing.

An Anglican teacher, who was one of the most influential persons in the Moruga district, had passed on. As was expected the funeral was large, and so it was. It seemed that every individual who crossed her path, in and out of teaching, including the Member of Parliament for the area, had come to pay their respects to this wonderful person.

blurb for oct 17, 2010The crowd was so large that the funeral service had to be shifted from the Anglican church to the Catholic church. So there it was; an Anglican priest celebrating a funeral Mass on a Catholic altar, supported by a Catholic choir and Catholic altar servers. Ecumenism at its best and definitely an innovative way of evangelisation.

The deceased was not looked upon at the time as an African, an Indian, a Chinese, an Anglican or a Catholic. In the minds and hearts of all those attending the funeral, this deceased teacher had simply been a wonderful person to all in the district. To the priests it did not matter what church they were in, just that they were in the House of God thanking him for the life of a good soul, who had touched many during her lifetime.

In this now extended Year of the Family, it would seem that Catholic families could look at this event and draw from it the true meaning of evangelisation and one in which the entire family has to be involved.

Because there is still the view that evangelisation can better be accomplished by using the Holy Bible, accompanied by sessions of deep prayer, the Moruga example can serve as a shining light to all Catholic families as they play their part in the new evangelisation.

Obviously the “good teacher” from Moruga had faithfully done her part in spreading the Good News to all whom she encountered.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 October 2010 16:04