Positive feedback – Sept 13, 2009

Maloney Projects – Aug 23, 2009
December 18, 2014
Camsel projects – Sept 27, 2009
December 18, 2014

Positive feedback – Sept 13, 2009

Positive feedback – Sept 13, 2009 PDF Print E-mail

After a vacation break the Synod Implementation Team (SIT) met at Archbishop’s House Friday, Sept 4, to continue its work as it moved to ensure that the mandate of the Synod is achieved in the given timelines.

One of the decisions taken was to place greater emphasis on training in all parishes those persons involved in Synod implementation to meet the December 8 deadline for their pastoral plans.

A key area in this exercise is project planning and management and the enlistment of Catholic professionals with the requisite skills.

Cluster leaders were asked to prepare and update the activities in which they would have been involved between March 2009 to August 31, 2009. These activities of course, should be related to Synod Implementation and the reports should deal with areas which need attention.

There is also an appeal to cluster leaders to review their plans for the period August through December and additionally to prepare a plan for January to December 2010 using the Archdiocesan template which will soon be ready.

The “Called to be Catholic” campaign which was launched last weekend with full page advertisements in all the major newspapers, has received a great deal of positive feedback and Catholic Media Services Limited (CAMSEL) has the responsibility of keeping this momentum going with a number of strategies leading up to December 8.

In preparation for the development of the pastoral plans it has been decided that a SIT delegation will meet with the vicars to help them understand what is expected of the vicariates.

Part of that plan is the training of Parish Implementation Teams (PITs) as well as chairs/representatives of the parish finance councils to talk project planning and budgeting.

The pastoral plans should embrace the Synod resolutions, the pastoral theme for the upcoming year – The New Evangelisation – and the Mission of the Archdiocese. Completed plans must then be sent to the Vicar for Administration and the Finance Administrator for approval.

Material from parishes for use in the Synod Corner can be sent to ]]> ]]>This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ]]>.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 November 2009 14:02