A ‘great experience’ (November 23, 2008)

On the road to Synod 2009 (October 19, 2008)
December 18, 2014
Resolutions under review (December 7, 2008)
December 18, 2014

A ‘great experience’ (November 23, 2008)

A ‘great experience’ (November 23, 2008) PDF Print E-mail

The meetings of the Synod Team with synod delegates, priests, parish administrators and other parish personnel have now ended. The final meeting was scheduled to take place in the Eastern Vicariate yesterday.

The team has described the meetings as a “great experience”, commending the participants for the “enthusiasm and energy” they brought to the meetings. Special kudos went to the attendees at the Tobago meeting which generated a great deal of discussion.

Meanwhile work is proceeding apace on the final agenda for Synod 2009. Every effort is being made to ensure a smooth and near perfect Synod, expected to be attended by more than 1000 people.

This Sunday – the feast of Christ the King – all churches in the diocese will take up a special collection which will go towards defraying Synod and Synod implementation expenses.

Persons wishing to make additional or special donations can send these to: RC Archbishop/Synod, the Chancery, Archbishop’s House, Port of Spain.

The Synod Team also reiterates its appeal to all the faithful to participate fully in the “Week of Prayer” during the week preceding the start of Synod, which begins on January 24, 2009. Special prayers are to be said during Masses, times of Eucharistic adoration and in Catholic schools and homes around the country.

Roman Catholics are also being asked to recite the Rosary every day in that week, and also during the week between the two sessions.

In an effort to have as many delegates as possible attend the introductory Synod Mass, this year it will be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Port of Spain on Sunday, January 18 at 3.00 p.m. Archbishop Edward Gilbert will preside.