Preparing the final agenda (January 11, 2009)

Planning the agenda (November 30, 2008)
December 18, 2014
Caribbean School For Catholic Communications 2016 – A Recap
August 9, 2016

Preparing the final agenda (January 11, 2009)

Preparing the final agenda (January 11, 2009) PDF Print E-mail

With 12 days to go before the third sitting of the Synod, the Synod Process Team is working feverishly to have everything in place for the start of sessions on Friday, January 23 at the Centre of Excellence at Macoya, Tunapuna. The Synod will take place over two weekends – Friday, January 23 and Saturday, January 24 and Friday, January 30 and Saturday, January 31.

One of the bigger events for the local Church, the Synod will be ushered in with a concelebrated Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, January 18 at 3.00 p.m. More than 1000 delegates and their parish priests are expected to attend. Archbishop Edward Gilbert will be the chief celebrant.

Over the next 10 days, the Process Team and its many sub-committees will work on the resolutions to be presented, finalise arrangements for parking and security, complete the list of delegates from the archdiocese’s 63 parishes and from the various religious orders and ecclesial communities, and consolidate catering arrangements. Overseas visitors are expected from St Lucia, Suriname and Guyana.

Also expected to be completed this week is the selection of moderators, and the final agenda for the four days. A site visit was made last Thursday to ensure that all would be in place for the start of the Synod.

A 20-minute Camsel (Catholic Media Services Ltd) documentary on the achievements of the various commissions since their inception, in 2003, will be shown on the opening day of the synod. A companion brochure to the documentary will be distributed and will also be available from the archdiocesan website.