Bishops on hunger strike – Oct 4 |
Over the past few weeks we have once more as a nation been witnesses to another hunger strike. The first hunger strike led to a Commission and a Report which many agree is a work of value for the present and of hope for our future. We dare to hope that the present impasse can lead to yet another step forward in our journey as a nation. This hope requires that those who stand at the crossroads, determined not to lose, dare to reach beyond their expressed positions and take one or two steps towards each other. The firm resolve of the captains involved has been established and we salute the ability to make and take difficult decisions. Yet concerns or gestures or other humanitarian pursuits may call forth, compassion, magnanimity, empathy and finesse in bringing calm to a stressful situation. Demonstrable duties of care do not usually go unnoticed on the world’s stage. The greatness of our human actions is best manifest when we are able to act in ways which truly deny ourselves and benefit others as we serve the common good. May such greatness be shown in this situation. We invite the whole nation to pray over the next 48 hours that God may move hearts and minds to act according to His will in the best interest of all. May God Bless our nation. +Bishop Claude Berkeley +Archbishop Joseph Harris |