By Vernon Khelawan
The Third Pastoral Priority tells its own story. When properly studied, it reflects a society that has morphed from one which stood on solid, cultural, social and religious values, to one that is now careening down a slippery slope at full speed to achieve “failed state” status. Some people may feel the description above might be unwarranted or maybe just a little too harsh. I disagree. It is not a situation that happened overnight. The majority of us (and by ‘us’ I mean our leaders – Church, civil and political) saw it coming for decades, but never made any real attempt to arrest its tsunami-like progress. While not discounting the dedication of many of our citizens to their roles and responsibilities, one may still ask: Where is the dedication in the teaching profession? Do our doctors really adhere to the Hippocratic Oath? Are the members of the legal fraternity truly passionate about dispensing justice? Apart from the daily provision of food and some comfort, are parents serious about bringing up their children in the ways of God rather than in the ways of the world? Do union leaders feel responsible for ensuring a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay? I can go on ad nauseam, but these few examples should help to stir the souls and awaken those who are asleep. The Synod-mandated Third Pastoral Priority therefore is not something only for the Roman Catholics of the country: it is for the entire society, because the observance of values and the practice of maintaining social norms and standards do not apply to special interests and at specific times. It is a holistic, all-encompassing attitude which must pervade nationally if our society is to change course for the better. Put under the microscope, the Priority – Regenerating the Moral and Spiritual Values of our Society – is a most meaningful activity that has the potential of bringing about a radical change in our behaviours, as we accept its invitation to show love to our neighbours and resolve, at the individual level, to play our part in bringing about the kind of social revolution that our country needs so it can be a better place for the generations to come. Our resolutions in regard to the Third Pastoral Priority must not go the way of New Year’s resolutions that too often are quickly overtaken by other agendas and desires. Catholics, and society in general, need to resolve to play their part in contributing to the true development of our nation.